Stand-in meeting 11/19 - Rachael Metzger

As of 11/19,

Last week I completed my assigned portions of the coding assignment. I created a scrolling window for the breathing exercises and created a working stopwatch. I also worked the coding assignment report and practiced my part of the presentation. 

Jordan and I had a meeting with our teammate Goz to plan out the upcoming weeks and the maintenance project. We plan to meet on Monday the 19th to go over who will be responsible for specific parts of the "Twist". The next meeting scheduled is on Monday the 26th. That is the day all code will be finalized and we will begin the write-up, poster, and presentation slides. These are due Monday, Dec. 3rd. 

Some major challenges we have been facing are the work ethic of our team members. One is not showing up to scheduled meetings, is doing the wrong portion of the coding project,  and not participating in writing the reports. We have spoken with him to express our displeasure with his work this last month and a half as well as created deadlines to help him schedule out his work. Currently, he has missed the stand-in meeting with our professor for the second time. I worry about the success of the project.
