Requirements Specification Document

Here is the document.


4. Project Overview: This section elaborates on the topics introduced in the Introduction Section and provides background information on the factors effecting the scope of the project and its requirements
    • Begin this section with a carefully written introduction paragraph(s) previewing and summarizing the section's contents
    • Identify the customer, stakeholders, and the intended users of your system
    • Provide a complete description of the problem being solved
      • Explain the current system or solution in place
      • Justify your proposed solution to this problem and explain why your solution needs to be developed rather than just bought
    • Describe the main features of your proposed system
    • Mention the most important constraints that may influence design decisions (compatibility, reliability, hardware limitations, interfaces to other systems, etc.)
  • why Swift? Justify the proposed solution.
  • Project overview: Please justify your proposed solution. Describe the main feature of your system and constrain in project overview. Add title/caption to your figure and t
